Tag #2
"Would you rather .." book tag
1. Would you rather only read series or stand alones? . Definitely series because I get more time with the characters (although I suffer emotionally and physically while waiting for sequels to come out)
2. Would you rather read only male authors or female authors?. About 90% of my favorite books are written by female authors (don't get me wrong , I don't have anything against male authors. It just happened to be that way.)
3. Would you rather shop from book stores or amazon? . I am a very good costumer when it comes to buying books from amazon. It is just that all the books I want are available and they are nicely priced , but I do love book stores and I love wondering around in them. So I think we have a tie here
4. Books become movies or tv shows? . Hmmm... I'm not sure about this . There are some good book adaptations in movies . But maybe with tv shows there is space for more details of the book... But there is also a risk that the story is ruined in both cases .hmmmm details details
5. Would you rather read 5 pages a day or 5 books a week? . 5 books a week DUH!!!! Even though it is not possible for me anymore with the stuff I have going on I'll be lucky to read one book a week *sigh* what a shame
6. Would you rather be a professional reviewer or author?. A professional reviewer for sure. First, because I am not sure if I will write a book in the future. Plus, I have fun reading books and reviewing them . So a reviewer for me ( at least for now)
7. Would you rather read your favorite 20 books over and over or always reading new books? . This is a piece of cake . New books always and forever of course ( It's dump even to ask ) I don't reread books and even if I do it happens rarely. And there are too many books to read and so little time so better use it in taking new adventures with new books
8. Would you rather be a librarian or a book seller ?. This is a hard one because it is a double win. In both cases there are books books everywhere and the smell of books and the shelves and OMG all the beauty you get get from books. However with book seller I will probably get to have books as soon as they come out or even a bit before so that's an advantage for sure.
9. Would you rather read only your favorite genre or read all other genres except your favorite?. I would say all other genres but my favorite because if IRead only one genre I will eventually get bored of it. So I would rather have more choices.
10. Physical books or ebooks?. Physical copies like HECK YEAH!! (Another dump question ) I like holding the book I read. I like smelling it, touching the cover and the pages and most importantly placing it on my shelf and looking at it enjoying the spot. PS I used to reab ebook but not anymore.
So that's a wrap I hope you enjoyed this tag as much as I did. See you in the next one
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