The Tunisian Bookish Tag
This tag was created by the lovely Amal Bedhyefi a tunisian booktuber and she tagged me to do it , so here we go
1.when did you start reading and what made love to read?
I started reading about 5 years ago maybe a bit more .. but then my reading pace was slow and I was just discovering my passion. What dragged me into reading was my love for english and twilight. Wel before that I read the first 2 books of Harry Potter in french but then I saw the first movie of twilight and decided to read he series and OMG I loved it . So basically after that I never quit reading.
2.Best book you ever read and changed your life.
I do not have one favorite book and I cannot say that a certain book changed my life because I learn something from every book I read and all that change me in a way. But my top 2 would be BRANDED by Abi Ketner and Missy Kalicicki and THE POWER OF FIVE by Anthony Horowitz
3.Your favorite author
Not a particular author but I love the writing style of Jennifer L.Armentrout and I am willing to read all of her books. I would love to read another book by JK Rowling. To be honest there are a lot of authors who rock with their writing style but I do not pick a book based on the author but more based on the reviews I hear or the summary on the back.
4.Worst book you read
I do not have an answer for this one because I didnt hate any book I read before. It is simple for me because I do not pick books randomly . I look for reviews , hear opnions and I do not get caught in the hype over a book.
5.Favorite booktuber
American booktubers were the ones to introduce me to booktubing. My favorites are Sasha from Bookutopia and Christine from PolandbananansBOOKSHowever the growth of tunisian booktuber community is really heartwarming and I am really happy about it.
6.Have you ever read books by tunisian authors ?
Unfortunately I did not. Mainly beacause I do not live in Tunisia so I do not really have a chance to get them and a bit beacuse I do not read much in arabic or french (I hardly ever do. A shame). But I really plan on getting a couple when I go back home soon.
7.How many books do you have on your bookshelves?
A bit over 200 books. I lost count lately.But I still have a really long list so the number is going up soon because I am saving to buy a whole bunch of books.
8.A book you want to read so badly?
To be honest I cannot wait to read all the books on my to read list but there is book I am waiting for with agony that is the third book of the Sinners series by Abi ketner abd Missy kaliciki . It is called Liberated and there no release date yet. The first 2 books were so good and I cannot wait for the third one.
9.What are you currently reading?
For now am reading Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard. I talked about it a bit in my latest book haul. Check it out . So far I am loving it.
So this is it for the tag I hope ou enjoyed it. see you in the next blog. Be on the look.
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