My pen moves , scratches on a piece of paper. It feels like the words are are out of control but in fact my thoughts are guiding them and my hand is following blindly. Soemtimes the script I intend to write is cristal clear in my head I can almost see it dancing infront of my eyes in the thin air. However most of the time I have no clue what I'm about to write just like now. My mind is blurry -probably lack of sleep and I'm just being foolish but Meh- and I don't have a single coherent thought but I just feel the need to write something, anything. You probably -and I'm almost positive-feel bored reading this and even think about closing the page and moving to something else but think about it for a minute, does this ever happen to you , not writing in particular but the urge you feel to do something you love. You are sitting or laying down thinking relaxing or doing stuff and BAM urgent thought crosses your mind and even it is not the right time you just have to do it , it is like hitting you in the guts. So here I am up in the middle of the night scratching some nonesense with baggy red eyes instead of resting. I should be in the middle of a weird dream right now. I guess you had enough of my silliness for now so I guess that's a wrap.
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