Book Haul #2
So today I recieved my order from Amazon
I bought 4 books a couple of days ago and here they are
First off "Cruel Crown" by Victoria Aveyard
It is a prequel telling some past events about the story of "Red Queen" and "Glass Sword" told by 2 inside characters
I'm currently reading Glass Sword the sequel to Red Queen ( I wrote a review about the latter) and I'm obsessed right now with the story and the world so I just had to order this prequel as soon as I saw it (call me a freak)
Then, there is "The Shadow Queen" by C.J.Redwine. All I know about this book that it is some kind of a retelling of Snow White.
I'm in love with the cover ( yes, I love good covers and tend to buy books by the cover ,and the summary on the back for sure, don't judge me). This book is on the top of my TBR list.
"Cinder" by Marissa Meyer and "The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey will be the first alien books to read in a long time after The Host. I decided to buy the first books in the series and see how I like them instead of getting all the books (plus that would be a lot and I like buying books but I can't do it if I am broke) .
That's it for today's Haul. I hope you guys like it. See you next time.